Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Electric company: about a thousand new jobs

Electric company: about a thousand new jobs
This sensational to date information, told our correspondent, senior vice president of the company "Hevrat Hashmal" Yash Huene. A reporter asked one of the leaders of the Electricity Company to the question about whether this summer will feel the Israelis power outages, as occurred on May 18?

Yefim Love
Born Aug. 8, 1938, Odessa. The journalist, a former employee of "the Soviet Union". Since 1992, lives in Israel, the author of several books, the press attache of the program for Absorption in Science - new immigrants, working with many Israeli Russian-language publications. Married with one son.

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- Such an opportunity, unfortunately, is not excluded. Already that year, we firmly to the Government and the public that the country lacks the energy capacity. So if "Hevrat Hashmal publishes the request to the population in some of the hottest days of the procedure to transfer energy to the evening, it is not our whim, but a strict necessity. Of course, we realize that the solution to the problem of lack of energy in the hot days of summer and cold winter days in the hands of the company. That is why the decision in the next two years to enter power generation capacity, which would amount to 10 percent of the already existing capacity in the Israeli energy sector. Ready to list buildings. In the autumn should enter into operation two units of 120 megawatts in Ramat Hobab. Particularly fruitful, we expect to do in 2010 - want to introduce parallel 5 blocks. Such a history of the Electricity Company has not yet happened. Two of them, as they say in pairs in Haifa, one - in Yokneam, at the station "Hagit", one - in Ashdod, at the station "Eshkol" and one additional unit in Ramat Hobab. In total, this is about 1,250 megawatts, plus - a task that only by a large company.

- This scale of construction, testing and commissioning of power, obviously, will require significant involvement of engineers, technicians and workers?

- Of course. Only in the construction and installation management company should take about a thousand professionals and workers. Completion engineers finalized the design units in part by suitable for business novices. Needless to say, that in times of economic crisis, it is very important for the citizens and the state?

- We can assume that you seek most specialists of different profiles that do not have experience in fields related to energy. Can they learn some more so that they could retrain?

- While our personnel departments are coming electrical engineers, electronic engineers, mechanics, builders. But, if need be, we will be able to attach to the power of skilled workers without strain, because we have a good two decades are very considerable retraining courses. I want to warn those who come to us looking for work that "Hevrat Hashmal" - state-owned company with all its delights, in particular, with the bureaucratic procedure of registration of new employees. We are not a private company, which may take overnight, dozens of people in one day is not to dismiss hundreds of specialists, without undue sentimentality. Our company has a fairly lengthy procedure taking beginners. And another notice: today at their jobs back specialists who have been dismissed from the company, according to treaties, after ten years of work. With these people we never lose contact, and therefore a good worker can get a "constant" or guarantee that we will work through another five years without hassle. I believe that the admission of hundreds of specialists to work - it is our modest contribution to the development of the economy.

Actually, I came to the office of First Vice-President of the Electric Company and other matters. About one and a half years ago in "News of the Week" published an interview with Yasha Khain under the intriguing title "What is not in Greece?" The reason for the interview then it was sensational news that "Hevrat Hashmal" came to the Peloponnese, winning a tender for the design of large thermal power plant for the modern Hellas. Moreover, victories in the competition design organizations in several European countries heralded the beginning of work under the "Hevrat Hashmal" solid engineering company, initiated the organization of which was Mr. Khain. So today I decided to repeat the old question: what is not in Greece?

- I remember when I said that there is anything lacking only energy capacity. Today I try to be more careful about answering this question. And above all, because in Greece still have everything, including the global economic crisis, which, according to experts, raised the country stronger than other European countries. And gravely injured the state treasury, and very high unemployment could not help but reflect on our company. Although we have completed within the time frame designing the new station, customers, like many in Europe in crisis trap, calculated for the design work already performed with great effort. So the earnings on which we expected, not so great. It is worth noting that the colleagues from other companies have warned that Greece - a very difficult customer when it comes to calculations. We thought otherwise, but, as you know, wisdom comes with experience. Therefore, having received the proposal for the design of two more power plants in Greece, we do not hurry with a positive response. Do not rush to another and because, as I said at the beginning of our conversation, we now have many projects in Israel. Due to the current difficulties to establish an engineering company we have not yet succeeded. While we are working on behalf of Hevrat Hashmal. Of course, it is less flexible, but within it can continue to work. So the projects on which we are working for foreign interests, enjoy it in high demand. For example, for the period under review, we have designed 6 blocks to stations in South Africa, coal-fired plants, each with a capacity of 730,000 kilowatts. Note that this unit - the boiler-turbine - the most powerful to date in the world. We could then result in positive job evaluation Israeli planners, but the best feature is that our engineering design service ordered 6 more of these blocks. To understand the scope of a design and then construction, saying that the total capacity of 12 units, being built in South Africa, equal to nearly 8 gigawatts, representing about 70 percent of all energy that is produced in Israel.

I can not say about the other steps the company towards progress. For example, we close out a new direction. In English it is denoted as: ESSO (Energy Servis C ompan y). It is both the name of the new company created by us. It is about services related to energy conservation. The first project in conjunction with well-known company IKEA. Under the agreement, our specialists can help save the companies of this esteemed company to a third of electricity consumed by it today. It would seem a paradox: "Hevrat Hashmal, which should take care only about how to get more money from the sale of the maximum amount of energy comes to the consumer, and invites him to put a solid economy, though his injury. However, we understand that: if our company can do this, immediately there is another, whose specialists are able to do it, and we not only obtain, but also lose some money. Is not it better to take this trend into your own hand? But revenues from, I repeat, 30 per cent savings, we divide into halves.

- In a previous interview you told also about the problems of alternative energy, calling the next line: convert about 10 percent of electricity consumption for new sources of ...

- Eighteen months ago we only mentioned the move in the direction, which is based on extensive use of solar energy. Today will tell a cooperation with Spain, where joint projects are already being built three solar power plants for 50 megawatts each. This is the realization of the original design of the Israeli company Solel. Our responsibilities include the integration of all engineering unit power, ie, our specialists will act as chief engineer of the project. By the way, after working with our specialists, managers of the company "Solel" invited us to participate in the preparation and implementation of more large-scale project in California (USA). I note that in America such projects very generously paid for by the government. As for Spain, we do not look a sin, then at least partially adopt it adopted rules to encourage businesses and individual homeowners who actively use solar energy. Thus, the last two years we have worked extensively on the international market as designers and earned about 100 million shekels. However, due to the crisis in almost all countries in our project proposals related to the construction of power plants, temporarily frozen. At the same time, we turned to the design overseas transmission lines, substations, communication points. For example, recently decided to participate in the tender announced in Cyprus. In the coming days, the Israeli delegation leaves for Cologne to participate in international energy exhibition. Last year's debut of the Israeli pavilion at such a show of Milan was quite successful - for the year we have strengthened contacts with firms that have expressed interest in the Italian exhibition in collaboration with us. Perhaps, in Cologne, we received new orders for the design. Hope and the deployment of cooperation with Chinese colleagues.

- And still today the main news is announced by power company staff recruitment for vacant jobs. What do you expect?

- To answer your question, let me one particular remark. We are accustomed to the fact that people are running after high salaries in high-tech companies. Today, when many were convinced that this is an area easier to lose their jobs, feel the advantage of "Hevrat Hashmal. We may not be as high salaries, but there is a guarantee of work for many years, and people grow stronger sense of stability. Of course, everyone like leather, but I can not say that objectively, our company, so to speak, more soulful. Not in such a human need for people, especially immigrants? For many olim who arrived in the 70's and 90's, a power company and the Jewish Agency and the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption. You can say that this is just emotion, but as you know, the person needs not only good earnings, but in the sense of stability. There is one very important aspect of the matter - in normal circumstances all and sundry, including government officials, often set at "Hevrat Hashmal. But when the country needs a reliable and professional performer, the state calls "the service" electric company, knowing that we will do all that is needed. Just a few years ago, the country faced the problem of increased use of natural gas in power. The Government has instructed its decision of our company. Today on natural fuel is produced every five kilowatts of electricity. In the coming years on natural gas will be transferred 40 percent of capacity. And all this load, including intensive construction and commissioning of new units will be in the next two years. The matter is complicated by the fact that soon will begin a crucial round of talks with the government on the reform of the Electricity Company, to change its organizational structure. This subject is serious, it will affect many things. Not yet completed reform, expected a lot of brake delay. In essence, the discussion focuses on the restructuring of the energy system. It is anticipated privatization of the company by about 40 percent. Personally, I believe that partial privatization is necessary because the energy can be to attract private capital. However, it 's very interesting, but a separate issue.

- Dear Mr. Vice President, in connection with the hiring of hundreds of specialists are not you fear the complexities associated with their level of qualifications?

- We anticipate the possibility of this problem. Unfortunately, in Israel, no one prepares Power. Young, until recently, ignored the relevant department at the Technion. Of course, being a lawyer, a manager, an actor as much more attractive. In recent years, staff of engineers for the industry, we grow together with the university center in Ariel, but not enough. Life forced to start training mid-level managers directly in our educational system or directly in the workplace. A person who has at least some theoretical basis, we have become a specialist in 2-3 years. Electronics engineer has the opportunity to become a designer after studying acting for years in office and engineering units.

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